I haven’t watched Star Trek for nearly six months. That’s the longest stretch since 1987.
Worden’s second task of grieving: experiencing the pain of grief. It’s a lot like experiencing the pain of stepping on Lego, just more insidey.
The five stages of grief don’t work for me – but Worden’s four tasks of mourning do. My kid and I are slowly tackling them together.
I had a realization today, as I lay underneath a hundred stuffed animals. It may have been the lack of oxygen. But regardless, I realized today that my kid is doing just fine. After a morning where work-from-home and housework… Continue Reading →
When I was a kid, I loved me a good can of Alphagetti: letter-shaped noodles in a thin tomato sauce. I would happily wolf down a big bowl well into my teens; in fact, I had a can for lunch… Continue Reading →
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Green mice pooping in panties, gross archdeacons and why “Au clair de la lune” should be rated PG-13.
Sometimes there’s no way to know for sure what the right answer is, so you just need to pick a square, hope nothing blows up, and move on. If you’re like me and you need to take a Minesweeper guess every now and then as you’re parenting, know that we all do it, all the time. Make your best choice, and keep on clicking.
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